Hi, I'm Trinity Christiana, a Nashville Native, with a desire to learn. After recently graduating with a Computer Technology degree along with gaining experience in software development from teaching myself, I decided to jump start my career by applying to Nashville Software School where I enjoy learning from my classmates as well as help them learn by answering any questions they have that I know the answer to. And if I don't know the solution, I definitely know how to find it in a couple of Google searches. I am looking for a Full-Stack Software Engineer position to help feed my love of learning and help myself and others succeed and push through any barrier put in my way.

Before I decided to make programming my career, I went to Nashville State Community College for their Dual enrollment program. While there I completed all of my High School requirements at the age of 16.

... completed all of my High School requirements at the age of 16.

After graduating with my HS diploma, I decided to stay at Nashville State to get an Associates Degree. In deciding what I wanted to Major in, I combined my love of Music and my love of technology and went for the Associates of Applied Science with an emphasis in Music Technology.

For this degree, I had to take a few electives, so I joined the Jazz Ensemble, fell in love with it and became their most popular Jazz Singer on Campus. I even represented Nashville State by performing all around Nashville at places like the Farmers Market, Libraries, Tennessee State University and at even campus events.

For this AAS degree, I also had to take some computer science and coding classes which actually rekindled my love for programming. I had been introduced to programming 4 to 3 years prior to taking those classes with a program called Sratch and self teeaching. But taking those classes at Nashville State, and hearing about NSS at about the same time, helped me realize that I could actually do this for a living.

Programming is the perfect fit for me. It’s creative, flexible, and works out the brain like Music does. Also like music there are many ways to go about solving different problems.

With that I love that no matter how much experience I have with programming, I can always find something new to learn.

No matter how much experience I have with programming, I can always find something new to learn.

- Trinity Christiana -

I am a lover of music and of education. I am not afraid of hard work. Be a part of my journey of “Becomming the Future of development.” If you need new talent, don’t hesitate to contact me.