
  • Experience in defining audit points in applications by track user progress and goals to then convert that data into meaningful visualizations for users.
  • Implemented code review processes that helped teammates identify problems and solutions.
  • Organized teams that work together to create a single product by separating out roles to achieve one goal.
Relevant Experience

Nashville Software School - Nashville, TN

Full-Stack Software Developer

Jan 2020 - June 2020

A 6 month full-time program that teaches Full-Stack Software development skills and technologies.

  • Front-End: Learned how to build single page web applications with ReactJS (JavaScript Framework), CSS to style, and HTML as the base markup language
  • Back-End: Learned the basics of Python, how to create a Full Stack Django Application, and how to build a Django API to use with React


    Iris Station

    On a team, I worked to create an ecommerce application built using ReactJS for front-end and a Django REST API as a backend. For this project my responsibility was to create the Reports view, Order History, and Payment Information. I also made sure that the team stuck to a specific file structure with components and page views separate to allow for cleaner code and reusability throughout the entire application. In the middle of this project, we gained a team member, so sticking to the files structure made it easy for them to jump in quickly

    Tech Used

    • ReactJS on front-end
    • SASS/CSS, Semantic UI, Material UI and reactstrap for styling
    • SQL with Django REST API Framework on top of Python using ORM
    • Unitest for testing API endpoints
    • Django's token auth
    • GitHub

    Handy Andy

    Worked on a team to develop an application built with ReactJS's framework. For this project my responsibility was to create the Events page, Users page and User component in messages page, the friend request feature, protect the user from editing session/local storage, keep our team on track to finish MVP, help present the product to other classmates, and to help teammates troubleshoot any roadblocks on the spot.

    Tech Used

    • ReactJS on front-end
    • SASS/CSS and Semantic UI for styling
    • JSON Server
    • GitHub


    On a team, I worked to create an application built with vanilla JavaScript. For this project my responsibility was to create the Friend News page, Own News page, the Taskbar, help present the product, help teammates learn Semantic UI's Design library, and to help teammates troubleshoot any roadblocks.

    Tech Used

    • JavaScript
    • SASS/CSS and Semantic UI for styling
    • JSON Server
    • GitHub

Autism Possible - Nashville, TN


Jan 2020 - Present

Autism Possible exists to empower cape wearers to confidently display their courage and knowledge through use of innovative strategies and tech use for the success of their superheroes as the beneficiaries. We build simple software to fulfill our customer's complex needs by reducing familial stress, meltdowns and to teach the user how to learn to gain independence

  • Created Django REST API
  • Created Python script to schedule SMS messages using Twilio
  • Developed front-end using ReactJS
  • Integrated OpenWeather API
  • Work with a Senior Developer to create software that fulfills end-user's needs
  • Journey mapping
  • Data modeling and decision making

    Nashville Entrepreneur Center - Nashville, TN

    PreFlight - Entrepreneur Student

    Feb 2020 - May 2020

    PreFlight is a 14-week virtual program that walks step-by-step with first-time entrepreneurs - from "I have an idea" to "I have a business" - empowering them with the knowledge and support as they seek to bring their businesses to life. Through weekly interactive coursework, plus access to online learning materials and the EC’s advisor network, entrepreneurs begin to establish a solid foundation from which to take their first steps.

    • Attended as a Co-Founder for Autism Possible
    • Learned marketing techniques
    • Created pitch presentation

      Amazon - Nashville, TN

      Warehouse Associate - Picker (Seasonal)

      Sept 2019 - Nov 2019

      Gathered products to fulfill tickets from the supervisors.

      • Locating merchandise to meet picking tickets
      • Picking specified merchandise and transporting them to the designated pickup area

        Nashville Software School - Nashville, TN

        Full Stack Engineer Certificate

        Nashville State Community College - Nashville, TN

        AAS, Computer Technology

        Nashville State Community College - Nashville, TN

        Technical Certificate, Music Technology

        Stanford University: Code In Place - Nashville, TN

        Online Course, Python

        Technical Skills
        Frameworks: ReactJSDjango RESTDjango
        Platforms: MacOS
        Software Tools: Git/GitHubFirebase (Database, Cloud Storage, Authentication)AxiosVisual StudioVisual Studio Code
        Deployment Tools: HerokuNetlify
        Languages: HTMLJQueryJavaScriptPythonCSS
        Libraries: BootstrapReduxMaterial UImoment.jsSemantic UITwilio


        GitHub Live

        PeriodT is a gender neutral and all age inclusive period tracker. Periodt was built using ReactJS framework and implements the ability to use multiple libraries by utilizing ReactJS's ability to create components. PeriodT uses Firebase's database to maximize the user's access to their information. Periodt also gets smarter as the user adds data because all that the user inputs will be used to calculate predictions for the future of their cycle.

        Tech Used

        • CSS/SASS to style the application's components
        • Firebase's Database
        • Firebase's Cloud storage
        • Firebase's Authentication
        • ReactJS
        • Material UI
        • Semantic UI
        • reactstrap
        • moment.js

        Mission Control


        An application build specifically to help empower Autistic users and their families.

        Tech Used

        • ReactJS
        • React Router
        • Redux
        • Axios
        • CSS/SASS
        • Firebase's Cloud storage
        • SQLite database
        • Django REST Framework
        • Python
        • pgeocode Python package t
        • twilio python package
        • scheduler python package
        • moment.js
        • Heroku
        • Netlify